Pirate Ship

Pirate Ship
Here is a pirate ship I found on iheartvector.com until I have my own art to post.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Presentation with Graph

I had a really difficult time with the graph in Illustrator.  I am very used to using Excel for graphing.  I think I might use Illustrator for a very broad overview, as I tried to do in the presentation.  But since I usually make very technical presentations, the graphing tool in Excel is much more powerful.

I made a few slides using information available on my company's website: www.ssloral.com

This slide shows the quantity of SS/L (Space Systems Loral) Satellite launches between 2005-2011.

This slide shows the orbit locations, relative to Earth, of all SS/L satellites launched.  This is one of my favorite Illustrations from my company (I did not create the image on this) and I think the person that did the artwork for this made this image very exciting and applicable to the company.

This shows what a sample slide would look like.

This blog post is in no way affiliated with Space Systems/Loral business or that of Loral Communications and only uses information found on the company website at www.ssloral.com

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