Pirate Ship

Pirate Ship
Here is a pirate ship I found on iheartvector.com until I have my own art to post.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Presentation with Graph

I had a really difficult time with the graph in Illustrator.  I am very used to using Excel for graphing.  I think I might use Illustrator for a very broad overview, as I tried to do in the presentation.  But since I usually make very technical presentations, the graphing tool in Excel is much more powerful.

I made a few slides using information available on my company's website: www.ssloral.com

This slide shows the quantity of SS/L (Space Systems Loral) Satellite launches between 2005-2011.

This slide shows the orbit locations, relative to Earth, of all SS/L satellites launched.  This is one of my favorite Illustrations from my company (I did not create the image on this) and I think the person that did the artwork for this made this image very exciting and applicable to the company.

This shows what a sample slide would look like.

This blog post is in no way affiliated with Space Systems/Loral business or that of Loral Communications and only uses information found on the company website at www.ssloral.com

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lesson 6 Children's Illustration

I had a fun time with this assignment.  I used my pirate flag from Assignment #1 on the sail.

Left Side Spread

Right Side Spread.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Final Project: Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Brochure

I have made many brochures, fliers, and newsletters for both college and professional SWE sections.  The information for this yearly event isn't available yet, so I made up the date and the details; however, this can easily be filled in with the correct information later.  This was quite a challenge for me, as I would normally make brochures and other text heavy documents using InDesign, rather than Illustrator.

Brochure Outside

Brochure Inside

Lesson 10 Google Logo

I was very excited to make this Google logo.  I found the actual typeface that Google uses (Catull).  This logo is for National Pie Day, which is January 23.  I used the wood grain pattern from the background assignment to make the rolling pin.

Lesson 7 Icon Design

This 3D icon could be used on my art blog.  The letters are for my initials.  I had a really hard time getting the brushes to look how I wanted them.  I'm used to working with solid modeling software and this is just not the same and wasn't as intuitive to work with.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Assignment #4 Backgrounds

I'm ready for ski season so my backgrounds are ski and snow themed.
Blend Tool: I used a snowflake!
Artistic Effects: I used the sponge tool on both the background and the snowflake.

Background using text: I imagine this being used for a ski resort ad by adding the resort name and logo in the lower portion of the page.

Monocolor background:

Wood Grain Background:  This can also be used to color objects with a wood grain by adding it to the swatches.